Wednesday, April 8, 2015

If You Won't Use it Regularly, Don't Buy It

If You Won't Use it Regularly, Don't Buy It

We all have different criteria for what we think deserves our money. If your goal is to save any money at all, however, one rule can always help: if it’s going to end up in a junk drawer or closet, just don’t buy it.

This advice is on par with “Don’t go to bed angry” in terms of easy to say, hard to do. Most of us have a pile of junk that we’re hanging on to “just in case.” Or worse, we’ll buy something on the off chance we need it some day. The “nice to haves” don’t just cost money, though. They cost space. They cost time. The more crap you have, the more expensive your life as a whole is. As personal finance blog Life Optimization explains:

To me, minimalism is the philosophy of owning what you use on a regular basis and not much else. In a consumerist society where we’re constantly bombarded with advertisements to buy stuff we don’t need, we’ve become people who end up becoming overburdened by these very possessions. You may get a temporary moment of happiness every time you buy something, but the feeling soon goes away.

What counts as “using” an item can vary, of course. Buying things you like to help your home feel cozy, or luxury purchases that make you more satisfied with your life can be okay in moderation. But buying bread maker because some day you might want to make bread only wastes money, takes up closet space, and makes you annoyed with your past self when it comes time to move.

$500K net worth: How minimalism and investing helped me get there | Life Optimization via Rockstar Finance

Photo by Dave Matos.

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