This week we learned about marijuana, supercharged our routers, cleaned our teeth like a dentist, and took an epic road trip. Here's a look back.
What Marijuana Actually Does to Your Brain and Body
Marijuana. Pot. Weed. Whatever you call it, it's the most popular illegal drug in the world, gaining support for legalization for both medicinal and recreational purposes. But what does marijuana actually do to us? Let's take a look at this fascinating drug, its health effects, and potential concerns about using it.
How to Choose the Best Firmware to Supercharge Your Wi-Fi Router
Installing a custom firmware on your Wi-Fi router is like God Mode for your home network. You can see everything going on, boost your Wi-Fi signal, beef up your security, and even do advanced tricks like install your own VPN. Still, there are so many options available it can be tough to pick the right one. Here's what you need to know.
Your 2015 April Fool's Day Prank Spoiler
'Bout that time again, eh chaps? That's right-o, it's April Fool's Day Again. But you've got stuff to do. You don't have time for any funny business. So we're here to collect all the best (or worst) gags in one place so you can get it out of your system and on with your life.
Moving Your Wi-Fi Router Even a Couple Inches Can Improve Your Signal
As a general rule, most tech is more complex than it seems. Your Wi-Fi router, for example, can create dark spots with poorer reception in your home depending on your floor plan. You can potentially change these spots by simply nudging your router.
Clean Your Teeth like a Dentist with the One-Minute Flossing Technique
You've probably been told time and time again that flossing your teeth is just as important as brushing. The technique demonstrated in this video is the way the pros floss and it doesn't take more than a minute to do.
This Map Shows How to Take an Epic Road Trip Across Europe
45 European cities. 14 days of driving—and several months of sightseeing. That's the optimized plan created by an algorithm, a followup to the data-driven perfect US road trip we saw earlier this month.
Land a New Job with the Back Door Method on LinkedIn
LinkedIn is the best professional network for finding a new job and developing your career, but going the direct route and responding to job listings on the site isn't the most effective tactic.
Feed a Large Family on $10 a Day with a 14-Day Rotating Meal Plan
Food is one of our biggest expenses, but one mom, who feeds a family of 7 on just $300 a month, shows us that it's possible to eat well without cutting coupons or relying on Ramen noodles every night.
The Computer Science Student's Bag
Being a student means you need to keep your bag as minimal as possible while still having everything you need for the day. Lifehacker reader Gavin Porter shares the bag he uses to get things done.
How (and Why) I Stopped Waiting for Others and Started Traveling Solo
Adventuring alone sounds exciting, but it's also scary. Like most people, I've done the majority of my traveling with friends and family. That is, until I realized that I had places I wanted to go and no one wanted to go with me. I struck out on my own because my desire to continue traveling was greater than my fear of being alone.
How to Be Alone Without Getting Lonely
The simple answer to loneliness is surrounding yourself with other people, but that's not always an option—or something you want. Here are some less-obvious ways to help you keep your alone time from making you feel lonely.
Top 10 Ways to Break Bad Habits
We all have a bad habit or two we could stand to lose, but habits are hard to break. Whether your bad habit is procrastinating, overspending, swearing, or any other one you want to change, here are ten tips to break free of negative behavior patterns.
How to Get By in a Foreign Country When You Don't Speak the Language
Unless you have a super brain, you're probably not going to learn a whole new language every time you visit a different country. But with the right tools in your arsenal, you can get by. Here's how to survive when you don't understand the native tongue.
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