Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Reframe Spending Money as "Making Choices" to Save More of It

Reframe Spending Money as "Making Choices" to Save More of It

Every time you spend money, you're making a decision. Maybe you made the decision in the past, or maybe you remake it every day, but every dollar spent is a choice. If you want to save money, pay attention to those choices, rather than just the price.

As personal finance blog Frugal Confessions explains, can be viewed as a metaphor for your choices. When you spend money eating out every week, you're making the choice to spend less on vacation or your savings. When you build up your retirement account, you're choosing freedom later over comfort now. This perspective can make all the difference when you're budgeting your income:

This lady telling me that she was looking for a new client to fill this vacant slot that would be less stressful. She also wants to continue working from home to avoid the heinous Houston commute. For these self-named luxuries that will undoubtedly add to her Quality of Life, she was more than willing to take less money. Why was she in a position to choose to take less money? Because her finances were in order.

Of course, simply being aware of the fact that you make choices won't put your finances in order. But hopefully, it will make you think about why you spend money where you do. Often, most of us just buy things or spend money because our situation or impulses dictates it without a second thought. That second thought can be the difference between living paycheck-to-paycheck and financial stability.

My One Word for How I feel About Our Money | Frugal Confessions

Photo by Steven Depolo.

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