Monday, December 1, 2014

Search Your Email Receipts Right from Google

Search Your Email Receipts Right from Google

If you use Gmail, you probably know that Google can easily parse your email receipts for things like package tracking in Google Now. If you want to see a list of your most recent receipts—or see one in particular—you can just search "my purchases" on Google.

Searching "my purchases" brings up a list of your recent receipts, with a dropdown to show 10 more. You can also search for a specific item (e.g. "my purchases titanfall") to bring up a specific receipt, like so:

Search Your Email Receipts Right from Google

Obviously, you've always been able to do this in Gmail, but this is a bit quicker. Not only does it save you a click or two, but you can do it right from Chrome's address bar, since it's a Google search. Pretty handy.

Find Your Purchases Using Google | Google Operating System

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