Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How to Cope When a Loved One Commits Suicide

How to Cope When a Loved One Commits Suicide

It's never an easy thing to lose a loved one. When someone takes their own life, however, it can present its own set of challenges. Here, we'll discuss how to cope with this particularly difficult type of loss.

Clearing Up Some Myths About Suicide

Suicide is very commonly misunderstood. As a result, it has a large stigma that not only hinders the grieving process, but can keep people from seeking the help they need in the first place. Here are some facts you may or may not have known about suicide:

  • Mental illness can (but doesn't always) increase suicide risk: Often times, we try to interpret suicide as a symptom of depression. The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention explains that this is sometimes the case. However, it is equally true that intense stress, traumatic events, substance abuse, or serious and chronic pain can lead someone to take their own life.
  • Anyone can be a victim of suicide: While the AFSP says that white males in particular are at a higher risk of suicide statistically, there 40,600 lives lost to suicide in 2012, which included men and women of all ethnicities and age ranges. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States.
  • Suicide doesn't peak during the holidays. Contrary to popular belief, the holiday season is not an outstanding cause of suicide, which may be a bit of a comfort as the holidays approach. According to the Center for Disease Control, suicide is actually at its lowest rate in December. Suicide rates actually tend to spike during the Spring and Fall.

Suicide Loss Differs From Other Types of Death

How to Cope When a Loved One Commits Suicide

It's important to know that the grieving process for a loved one who takes their own life can be dramatically different from most other types of death. While we understand how heart disease, old age, or car accidents work, the path to suicide happens largely internally. In fact, suicide can often occur without any warning signs at all. This isn't always the case, but it can happen.

Naturally, coping with the loss of someone close to you in this way can be hard in its own special way. Keep in mind as you process these feelings:

  • It's okay to wonder why: Many suicide victims do not leave a note. Even if they do, you can still struggle with what drove them to the point that they felt this was necessary. Unfortunately, you can't always get answers, but it's alright to ask.
  • It's alright to be angry: When a drunk driver causes an accident that takes a loved one's life, you know who to be angry at. When someone commits suicide, though, the person who did it and the victim are the same. Thoughts like "How could he do that to us?" or "Didn't she care about us?" are extremely common and also perfectly natural.
  • Blaming yourself is natural (but it's not your fault): When something tragic happens, we want to believe we could've prevented it. This instinct doesn't pair well with the first bullet on this list. It's easy to imagine a "what if" scenarios. The problem is that this often only makes us feel worse. While feelings of guilt are totally normal, be aware that ultimately, the choice was theirs and try not to be so hard on yourself.

All of these reactions are perfectly normal and expected. It's important to keep in mind that you may experience any or all of these emotions while coping with the grief. While it won't make the feelings go away, knowing they're natural can help ease the transition.

Help Yourself Grieve with These Coping Strategies

How to Cope When a Loved One Commits Suicide

Unfortunately, there's no one method for overcoming grief. We all have our own ways of dealing with loss and the case of suicide is no different. However, there is no shortage of strategies or suggestions you can try to help get past through the process. Here are some actions you should consider.

Stay in Contact with Friends and Family

It can be tempting to isolate yourself during the grieving process—and it's okay to take time for yourself! However, as the Mayo Clinic suggests, try to maintain regular contact with at least some friends or members of your family. Isolation and negative emotions can be catalysts for depression, which can make it very difficult to escape the cycle. Additionally, your other loved ones may be just as affected by the loss as you are. Holding each other up can be considerably more therapeutic than running from the feelings.

Make a Time and Space for Yourself

Our society doesn't allow a ton of time or space for grieving. While some jobs or schools may give you a grace period of a few days (whereas grieving can take months or even years), being out of commission for too long can lead to tangible consequences. To compensate for this, the ASFP's Resource and Healing Guide suggests that you dedicate time to yourself.

If you have paid time off with your job, consider setting aside a portion of it for a "grief vacation." If you can't take time off, schedule some time either after work or on the weekends to simply be on your own. You can play games, write in a journal, go driving, or whatever it is that helps you relax and process. Just be sure you set it aside. Being constantly busy with others' expectations can cause you to avoid the grieving process altogether.

Avoid Major Decisions (or Seek Outside Input)

When we can't change something that hurts us, we often try to change things we can control to compensate. Quitting your job, beginning or ending a relationship, or moving to a new place are all big decisions. You may be tempted to leave a home that reminds you of your loved one, or to quit a job to remove stress. However, you should avoid making any major decisions while you grieve. Accept that your judgment may not be at 100% and try to hold off for a while.

If you absolutely have to make a major decision (you can't help when your lease is up, after all), consult with trusted friends before you make a commitment. Ideally, speak to someone who is not similarly affected connected to the tragedy if possible. A friend from a different social circle or even a coworker can help shed some light on the situation.

Consider Professional Help if Necessary

There's no shame in seeking help if you have to. Professional therapy has begun to shed its stigma over the years, but many people still feel as though seeing a therapist can mean there's "something wrong with me." And, in a sense, there is. In the same way that being exposed to germs or bacteria can make your body sick, being exposed to tragedy can make your mind ill. You're not broken, though. Everyone needs support sometimes, and seeking help from an experienced professional is a perfectly natural step that we take in every other area of life.

If you're not familiar with how to find a mental health professional, we've discussed the issue here. We've also discussed how to find help if you can't afford traditional therapy. In both cases, it can help to find a therapist that you can relate to on a personal level. As our own Melanie shared, just because the first person you talk to didn't help, that doesn't mean no one can. It's important that you find a therapist that works for you, so don't be afraid to ask to talk to someone else if you're uncomfortable.

Find More Help with These Resources

How to Cope When a Loved One Commits Suicide

Dealing with the loss when a loved one commits suicide isn't a process that's done in a day. In fact, it can go on for a long, long time. If you need more guidance or just an ear to listen to, here are some resources you can check out for more help:

  • The Mayo Clinic offers several articles guides with additional suggestions on how to cope here. Topics go beyond just the scope of suicide, but many resources relating to grief are applicable as well.
  • The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention offers guidance on understanding suicide, how to cope, and where you can find support groups in your area or online. You can also read stories from others who have suffered similar losses.
  • If you're an educator or professional who is looking to help those in your organization learn about and deal with suicide loss, the Suicide Prevention Resource Center has a variety of kits and resources to help you support those under your care.

Finally, and perhaps most importantly, if you're considering suicide, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255 in the US) or speak to someone you know. There are always alternatives and, despite how you may feel, it is possible to get the help you need. Speaking personally as someone who has considered and attempted suicide in the past, the darkest moments do not have to be the end. Please reach out.

Photos by Cathy Baird, Antoine K, Sander van der Wel.

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